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AICA 2021 Award for Best Group Exhibition: SERENDIPIA > INSTALAR

AICA 2021 Award for Best Group Exhibition: SERENDIPIA > INSTALAR

Gallery: Espacio Monitor, Caracas, November 2021 - June 2022

Curatorship: José Luis García R. and Elizabeth Cemborain

Texts: Daniela Díaz Larralde

For the efficient aesthetic approach, the effective installation resolution, and the pedagogical effect with which they demonstrated the complex relationships between art and technology, as well as the investigative and creative guidelines they offer.


We thank the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) Venezuela Chapter for the recognition.

Thanks to the participating artists: Luis Arroyo, Rafael Arteaga, Alessandro Balteo-Yazbeck, Muu Blanco, Iván Candeo, Carlos Castillo, Alberto Cavalieri, Elizabeth Cemborain, Isabel Cisneros, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Magdalena Fernández, José Luis García R., Alexander Gerdel, Dulce Gómez, Cristian Guardia, Ramsés Larzábal, Sebastián Llovera, Pepe López, Rodrigo Machado Iturbe, Cipriano Martínez, Yucef Merhi, Luis Molina-Pantin, Pedro Morales, Enrique Moreno, Jesús Moreno-Granados, Ana Mosquera, Emilio Narciso, Nam June Paik, Rolando Peña, Dianora Pérez-Montilla, Luis Poleo, Gerardo Rojas, Salomé Rojas, Luis Romero, Vasco Szinetar and Efraín Ugueto.

SERENDIPIA > INSTALAR was made possible thanks to the valuable support and collaboration of:

- HACIENDA LA TRINIDAD [@haciendalatrinidad].

- ABRA [@abracaracas] - Luis Romero [@callmeelromero] - Melina Fernández [@melinafernandez].

- D'MUSEO [@galeriadmuseo] - Ana Vicentini [@anajosefinavicentini] - Zoraida Irazabal [@irazabalzoraida] - Nicomedes Febres

- CARMEN ARAUJO ARTE [ - @carmenaraujos] - CARMEN ARAUJO ARTE [ - @carmenaraujos].

- SALA MENDOZA [@sala_mendoza] - Nicomedes Febres

- BEATRIZ GIL GALERÍA [@beatrizgilgaleria - @gilbeatriz1]

- MERCANTILE COLLECTION [@tahiarivero - @emiliojnarciso]

- GBG ARTS [@gbgarts - @benaimg - @kin.matos]

- SPAZIO ZERO GALLERY [@spazio_zero - @manolozapico] - Marcela Navea [@marcelanavea]


@serendipiaglitch @espaciomonitor @losgalpones

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